Friday 14 October 2016

  • ·         Your choice of text and topic is excellent. Clearly, we have a lot of work to do from the Ignite presentation as that didn’t offer enough insight or analysis – but you have plenty of time to put that right.
  • ·         Think carefully about your angle and hypothesis – and the best investigations keep it really simple. Do Hollywood movies increase Islamophobia? At the moment, your angle and hypothesis aren’t clear – what are you trying to prove and where do you stand on the debate currently? 
  • ·         Your research plan is going to be crucial – needs to balance online resources (many of which will already be in your summer project research) with powerful academic research. You’ll want to research Edward Said (postcolonial theorist) and may be able to use Gilroy as well. There is obviously the book called Islamophobia in DF07 currently. Looking at journalists and writers such as Christopher Hitchens, the Guardian etc. will also be essential.
  • ·         Linked production – film-based. Perhaps short film or opening. Narrative based with voiceover. Details to follow.
  •  ·         Next steps: finish project proposal and start building a comprehensive research plan.
  • ·         Post this to your blog with a brief plan for what you will work on in the next 10 days.
My next step is to explore different areas of Islamophobia/xenophobia in general and apply different external texts.

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