-“Does ‘Islamophobia’ Exist?: ‘a 19 year old woman wearing the hijab was
beaten around the head with a metal baseball bat by two white men in Swindon’
-‘Post 9/11, FAIR reports that the number of incidents increased by a
staggering 600 percent.’
-Racially motivated violence and harassment in the United Kingdom is a
very serious
problem and available figures show it is getting worse, not better.… the
United Kingdom has one of the highest levels of such incidents anywhere
Western Europe. Between 1989 and 1996 the number [of racist attacks
to the police] rose by more than 275 percent.… these already high
figures, however,
represent only a fraction of the actual level because many victims do
report crimes against them to the police. (Human Rights Watch, 1997)
-This periodization is necessarily somewhat arbitrary. Why not, for
example, the
Iranian Revolution in 1978–9? The main point is that the anti-Muslim
currently experienced and practised in both countries predates ‘11
September’ by
several decades.
-Event Date
• Terrorist attacks in USA September 11, 2001
• US–led war in Afghanistan October, 2001
• Catch the Fire Ministries Case May, 2002
• Bali Bombing October, 2002
• Iraq War March, 2003
• Marriott Hotel Bombing August, 2003
• Outcome of Catch the Fire December, 2004

-The Runnymede Trust in its 1997 report into Islamophobia stated that
Islam was
inherently seen as being the 'other' to the West, a situation that
reinforces the
'them' and 'us' dualism. In this respect then we should not be too
surprised to see
such headlines as the Daily Mail's offering, "Fanatics with a death
wish: I was
born in Britain but I am a Muslim first". Here the Mail is merely
reiterating those
beliefs that are lodged at the heart of Islamophobia.
-Another in the Financial Times about the role of
President Musharraf of Pakistan was situated on a page that had 40% of
devoted to a photo of an Afghan woman brandishing a rifle and a Qur'an.
-Words such as ‘fundamentalist’, ‘extremist’ and ‘radical’ are regularly
used in
Apocalyptic headlines across all sectors of the British press. They
create the impression
of a mounting universal conspiracy directed against British society by
an organised
and coherent army of bloodthirsty agents. It is evidence of a tendency
to view all
Islamic movements as originating from the same root and as being equally
hostile to
1 After the event of 9/11, the fear of islam on US soil became so
prevalent, the term Islamophobia was established.
1 Instead of creating stereotypes when it comes to the Muslim community,
there should be conversation, and a better understanding of what Islam is.
1 Islamophobia is on the rise and reaching its peaks within this last
year (said in 2010)
... The religion of islam has turned into a source of fear for many
people in the US.
... The American media has been doing a heck of a job fuelling phobias.
"prove to me that you are not working with our enemies?" - talk show host
... The recurring images received by the nation of a new car bomber, or
an underwear bomber, or a shoe bomber gives the impression that Muslims are
... Over half of American Muslims reportedly believe that the US
government's anti-terrorism policies have been singling them out.
... 25 year old Mohammad says he is stereotyped every singe day of his
life. (Interview)
"you go to work ask for a job, so they check your name and your
name is Mohammad and they kind of just skip you, they'll hire the next person
instead of you. Sometimes when I travel I get double-checked because of my
... Protests have gone on in New York, where the Muslim community wants
two of their religious holidays to be days off in school - Eid al fitr, and Eid
al adha
... If Christmas holiday can get a 10 day break, why cant we get two
Batina abdul-mumia, teacher
... "The people have the ability and power to give these holidays
if they wish to, because the muslim children are as much of a part of this
community as everyone else"
-Bahr Mustafa, Muslim holiday coalition
... Projects to build a number of mosques around the US have also
unveiled whatever remnants of intolerance were remaining on the closets- (the
one where ground zero was)
... there are 175 mosques in NYC
... there are 6000 churches in NYC
... there are about 1000 synagogues in NYC
... The 8.4 million inhabitants on NYC communicate in some 800 different
languages across the five boroughs
... New York is also a religious city: 83% of New Yorkers are affiliated
to some organized religion, one of the highest in the entire United States.
... Christians comprise about 70% of the population; 40% of whom are
Catholic and 30% Protestant. They attend approximately 2000 churches and 4000
informal places of worship such as community halls and homes
... 12% of New Yorker claim Jewish decent. There are more Jews in New
York City than there are in the Jerusalem city limits
... There are almost a million Muslims in New York City. (12% of NYC
population) Some sources claim 1.4 million; the New York City Community Affairs
Bureau states the figure as 800 000
... The area of devastation that the 9/11 terrorist attack left on the
World Trade Center is referred to as Ground Zero, a military phrase for a point
directly above or below the detonation of a nuclear bomb or, in short, "at
the centre of calamity."
... when soldiers in Iraq were asked why they were fighting, 80% said it
was for payback for 9/11 even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
... The 9/11 attack was put together but Muslim extremists that were
called Al-Quaeda, founded by Osama Bin laden
... when the chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf,
proposed the building of a Muslim religious centre near Ground Zero it created
an outcry. Particularly when President Barack Obama voiced support for the
... Supporters of the proposed centre were quick to point out that it
would not be built on Ground Zero but two blocks away, at 45-51 Park Place,
general known as Park 51.
... there are many Christian churches much closer to Ground Zero (as can
be seen on the map), including the closest religious building, the St Paul's
Chapel just across the road.
... the proposed construction is not a mosque (although it will include
one) but a community centre.
... A planned Islamic centre and mosques steps away from ground zero is
one of the biggest fuels of resistance right now.
... Hundreds of hate crimes have been committed since 9/11.
... Many Americans don't understand what Islam is, people don't
differentiate between radical Islam and peaceful Islam
... the Muslim community also lost several dozen people in the attacks
of September 11
... Since 911 we have seen countless peace protests from the muslim
community trying to show that they do do have any source of bad intentions, and
have nothing to do with that radicalism.
... The lack of understanding is reflected in the everyday lives of the
muslim community-
Jobs, airports, hatecrimes are not talked about
... A Young man was arrested and question for several hours just because
he had a set of Arabic flash cards with him, he was a student studying the
... Rather than a place for religious worship, they islamophobes see
mosques as beachheads for an invading army, and American Muslims as potential
sleeper agents, willing to use any deception to transform America into an
Islamic state.
... Hatecrimes- Muslim community being attacked after 911
... mainstream conservatives in our country cavort with members of the
Islamophobia network in the United States such as Pamela Geller, Robert
Spencer, Frank Gaffney and others.
... Basseley Nakoula produced and promoted a video designed to spark
violent reaction against the muslim community. Such ugly propaganda and its
creators should be strongly condemned alongside those who manipulated the
situation for their own political ends in the Middle East.
... supporters of Islamophobia create a breeding ground for hate by
denigrating one of the world's great religions and insult the sacrifice of our
military and diplomatic corps by violating America's core value of religious
... Islamophobia is an unfounded fear of the Islamic faith and, while it
has existed for thousands of years, has recently become a major problem in our
... Throughout the majority of the developed countries, we are all
entitled to privately practice our own religions or faiths. For most, the age
of religious intolerance has come to an end, but some faiths are still
experiencing prejudice around the world.
... A misconception about Islam is that Islam is that it is unchanging
and refuses to adapt to new realities or changing times.
... A misconception about Islam is that Islam is that Islam shares no
common values with any of the other major religions.
... A misconception about Islam is that Islam is that Islam is no longer
relevant and their ideals are irrational.
... A misconception about Islam is that Islam is that Islam is tied to
... A misconception about Islam is that Islam is that islam promotes
... The leading cause for Islamophobia is usually misinformation or
total lack of information based on the religion.
... Islamophobic people are not likely to be willing to educate
themselves about their fears or spend time around any Islamic people.
... The islamic dress code promotes modesty and seeks to minimize vice
and immorality in society. One of the ways it does so is by requiring modest
... Islamic law is derived only from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammadp. Like the Qur'an, the Sunnah is inspired by revelation from
God. Islamic law covers all aspects of life. It deals with how to worship God
and how to deal with others.
Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States:
According to the FBI, 94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the United States
from 1980 to 2005 have been by non-Muslims. This means that an American
terrorist suspect is over nine times more likely to be a non-Muslim than a